Lynn Sullivan
The Wholistic Cancer Support Summit was created with determined cancer patients in mind.

You don't need to spend hours researching non-traditional methods of cancer support on google to try and figure out what might work for you and add to your stress level.  

This summit is going to present you with many different ways you can implement wholistic options for you to add into your cancer treatment journey to reduce stress, overwhelm and approach the journey from a place of peace.  

Enter your information below to receive updates and be the first to know when the summit registration is open.

Hear My Story

By being curious and asking questions about where you are now, how you feel and what events created your current circumstances, we can then make a plan to change your life in the way you want it to be changed.

Come and explore!

How did I get started in energy healing?

Around 2011 I was listening to a speaker at a holistic festival event. This man was talking about energy and stones, and he opened up for questions after his session. A lady that was sitting a few rows in front of me raised her hand and she said, "I would like to know what I do for a new career." And I thought, Oh my God, that's the strangest question you would ever ask somebody that you don't know. He gave her an answer, and she seemed pretty happy with it. 

So I raised my hand. And I asked the same question. At the time, I didn't know or didn't understand, but what he was doing was channeling his answers from his guides. His guides took quite a while to come up with something they thought I should do.  

He asked me, "You like things just to be done, don't you?"  

I said, "Yeah, I do." 

He said, "Quantum touch." 

I'm thinking, What the heck's that?!

He moved on to the next question and I went home. I looked up quantum touch, found their website, went to the bookstore, ordered the book. I found out that there was a lady in my area who was teaching a class and so took the online class first with my friend and then after that I took the in person class, and I thought this was the coolest thing in the world. So I kept going. 

Why did I start this as a business? 
After a couple classes in quantum touch, I found it fascinating that you could impact people at a great distance. At the time my dad lived about 12 hours away from me. My dad started getting sick, and I couldn't go and help my parents - take them to doctor's appointments or make meals or anything. So I did distance healing. And shortly after that time, Sandy Hook happened. It was then that I realized that I knew something that could help people, and I needed to take what I could do seriously. So I made the commitment and became a certified practitioner.

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