Who is this summit for?
This summit was created with those who have had a recent cancer diagnosis in mind. We find that friends, family and others supporting those with a cancer diagnosis can also benefit greatly from the information presented in this summit.
How does this summit work?
You will have immediate access to watch all the videos from the entire summit in any order you wish.
Will I know who's speaking?
You can preview the speakers by looking at their bio on the meet the speakers page to help you determine which ones you want to listen to first.
What if I don't want to or have time to listen to all the speakers?
You will be able to choose which speakers you want to listen to in any order. Pick which speakers resonate with you and listen to those first.
How will I access this summit?
Once you register for the summit, you will receive an email with a link to access the vault where the summit will take place. You will be asked to set up a user name and password. You can access it via a computer or mobile device. You will also be given instructions on how to download a free app for your phone to have easy access on the go.
Will the speakers be given my email address?
Only if you sign up to receive their free gift or resources.
Can I ask the speakers questions?
There will be a chat room in the vault for all attendees and speakers to ask questions, give feedback, share experiences, etc. You may also send a message to the speakers directly via email.
Are you still accepting speakers for the summit?
If you or someone you know would be interested in speaking at the next summit, please email Lynn Sullivan at energywithlynn@aol.com..
How long are the videos?
Each video is a little bit different but on average they are about 30 minutes in length.
Do I have to download anything to watch the summit videos?
No, you can access the summit via any web browser, however, you will be given the option to download a free app that will be a convenient way to go directly to the videos you'd like to see.
What if I have questions not answered here?
Please feel free to email Lynn Sullivan at energywithlynn@aol.com with any questions you may have about the summit.