Around 2011 I was listening to a speaker at a holistic festival event. This man was talking about energy and stones, and he opened up for questions after his session. A lady that was sitting a few rows in front of me raised her hand and she said, "I would like to know what I do for a new career." And I thought, Oh my God, that's the strangest question you would ever ask somebody that you don't know. He gave her an answer, and she seemed pretty happy with it.
So I raised my hand. And I asked the same question. At the time, I didn't know or didn't understand, but what he was doing was channeling his answers from his guides. His guides took quite a while to come up with something they thought I should do.
He asked me, "You like things just to be done, don't you?"
I said, "Yeah, I do."
He said, "Quantum touch."
I'm thinking, What the heck's that?!
He moved on to the next question and I went home. I looked up quantum touch, found their website, went to the bookstore, ordered the book. I found out that there was a lady in my area who was teaching a class and so took the online class first with my friend and then after that I took the in person class, and I thought this was the coolest thing in the world. So I kept going.